Shadows and Mirrors

Shadows and Mirrors

A Dark Poetry Collection

Shadows and Mirrors: A Dark Poetry Collection by Rena Aliston
Shadows linger all around us, but the one we refuse to acknowledge is the one looking in the mirror. What does your reflection say about you?

Shadows and Mirrors explores the darker aspects of the self. Life, death, love, hate, pain, and healing collide in this dark poetry collection from Rena Aliston.
Title: Shadows and Mirrors
Subtitle: A Dark Poetry Collection
Genre: Dark Poetry
Author: Rena Aliston
Publisher: Owl-Raven Books
Release Date: August 18, 2023
ISBN: 9798218238919
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Shadows and Mirrors: A Dark Poetry Collection may contain content that triggers some readers.

  • Blood
  • Death
  • Depression
  • Infidelity
  • Toxic relationship
Shadows and Mirrors by Rena Aliston is a juxtaposition of life and death, love and pain, hurt and healing. This captivating collection explores the human condition through poetry.

The poetry is relatable, intriguing, diverse and dark and written in such a way that it is easily digestible for the reader. I enjoyed the journey this book took me on through the darkness of the authors words.

My favourite lines from this collection are: ‘I pulled it out of my heart, your love – death’s splinter’. I would recommend this to all lovers of dark and foreboding poetry. – Karen L. Richards, Author
